Ice cream thieves caught on tape

Sarah Schwager
THIEVES have again targeted the Emerald Lake Park cafe.
The cafe was broken into after thieves smashed a window at 3.51am on Sunday.
Four people were caught on video footage at the time of the incident.
Pakenham police said one man about 183 centimetres tall and wearing a white balaclava was seen entering through the smashed window, stealing a tub of ice cream, and exiting through the window.
A man wearing a red and orange helmet was also captured in the footage.
Police said a window was broken at the ranger’s office at the park at the same time.
This is the second time something has been stolen from the cafe.
In a similar incident, the cafe was also broken into on 16 January.
Thieves got away with two large tubs of ice cream after smashing a window at the cafe about 6am.
Police said in the past year there had been five incidents of attempted breakins or vandalism at the cafe.
Anyone with any information about the incident or who sees someone suspicious hanging around the area should contact Pakenham CIU on 5941 1033 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.