Berwick girls crush Narre

THE Berwick youth girls’ football team consolidated its position on top of the Footy Pak ladder last Saturday by trouncing of the Narre Warren Magpies.
For the second week in succession Berwick kept its opposition scoreless in a demonstration of team football. The players’ commitment to each other is the main reason why the team has stepped up a notch this season and Berwick has been rewarded on the scoreboard.
Six of the team are trying out for the State under19 squad, which will be participating in the AFL Women’s National Championships in Sydney later this month and the squad will be announced this week.
Scores: Berwick Wickers 18.15.123 d Narre Warren Magpies 0.0.0.
Goals: R. Timins 5, M. Marshall 4, C. Clarkson 3, C. Cullis, C. Merz 2, A. Decker, T.Couper 1.