Race red carpet for champ kids

PAKENHAM Racing Club has laid out the red carpet for Windermere’s Kids Becoming Champions.
Children involved in the program, volunteers and mentors will be VIP guests at this Sunday’s Pakenham Cup.
Kids Becoming Champions is run in cooperation with local schools to target disadvantaged children and offer them a better chance in life.
Manager of the KBC program Jo Gaynor said children were looking forward to being special guests on Cup day.
The KBC children, volunteers and mentors will get free entry as well and will be hosted in their own trackside marquee.
“The kids are so excited, they have never experienced such an event,” Ms Gaynor said.
Pakenham Racing Club racing manager Michael Hodge said the club was happy to support Windermere’s efforts.
“We are proud to be involved with such a wonderful organisation and thought it was a great opportunity,” Mr Hodge said.
“There will be a donation box located inside the Windermere marquee for those wishing to make a donation to this great cause.
“Meeting these children and hearing their stories certainly makes you realise that you do take the simple things in life for granted and for these kids life can be pretty tough.
“This will be their opportunity to enjoy the thrill of a family race day and experience a community event,” he said.