BMX works are on track

By Callan Date
BMX riders at Nar Nar Goon will soon be able to race round their own new track with work due to start at the Nar Nar Goon Recreation Reserve within the month.
The proposed track has been talked about for 12 months and now looks set to be a reality with the help of the Nar Nar Goon Community Centre and local volunteers.
President of the Community Centre Bernie Byrne has been leading the push for the track and says the children of Nar Nar Goon will benefit greatly when the new course is established.
“It will take a couple of weeks to build the BMX track and, while its not going to be of world class standard, it will be great for the local kids,” said Mr Byrne.
The children are currently making their own ramps with the use of tyres, wood and dirt mounds and there is a concern that these jumps are not safely built.
Mr Byrne is also keen to push the safety message to the children who use the BMX track and will look to provide someone who can teach the bike riders how to repair and maintain their bikes.
“We will really push the safety aspect, including helmets and safety pads and we are trying to get someone who can educate the kids on how to look after their bikes,” he said.
Anyone interested in volunteering to help build the track can contact Mr Byrne on 5942 5371.