Kooweerup bypass waits to pass go

HOPES are high that a Kooweerup bypass is about to get the green light.
Cardinia Shire officials and the town’s residents are eagerly anticipating an announcement regarding funding for the muchtouted project which sits high on a wishlist of projects for the region.
McMillan MP Russell Broadbent raised expectations during Prime Minister John Howard’s recent visit to Pakenham, saying the Federal Government would fund the works. Mr Howard also spoke in favour of the project, quipping during his visit that it had been an “expensive trip”.
But despite those very strong indications of support, official word is yet to be delivered.
Cardinia acting chief executive Garry McQuillan said the comments made at the community morning tea to welcome the PM were very encouraging but the council was still waiting for official confirmation.
Port Ward councillor Doug Hamilton said the bypass would be a fantastic result for the community and one of the key platforms of his time on council.
Kooweerup township committee president Ray Brown has previously said traffic through the centre of the town would get much worse once the Pakenham Bypass is finished next year.