Quality and numbers down

MOST people expected a larger yarding than was offered at VLE Pakenham, and whether it was the poor prices previously, or the fact that a lot of farmers in the supply areas were doing silage over the weekend, there was a fall in numbers.
To further complicate matters for buyers, there was a fall in quality. Although a percentage of the yarding were in very good condition, this week’s yarding was not as good.
Strong demand for a small selection of lighter weight vealers saw prices lift up to six cents per kilogram.
However, most of the yarding was three cents to nine cents per kilogram lower, with quality changes assisting the outcome.
While the top price was three cents lower, more calves made over 200 cents with the good quality B muscle grades making between 186 cents and 217.2 cents per kilogram.
Other good quality C muscle vealers made from 153 cents to 192 cents per kilogram.
Yearling steers and heifers sold reasonably well provided they were not too heavy.
Light and medium weight yearling steers made between 152 cents and 186 cents with some being supplementary fed.
Yearling heifers of similar quality made between 140 cents and 167 cents per kilogram.
In the yarding there were some plainer quality cattle, some were sold between 110 cents and 148 cents per kilogram.
The number of grown steers and heifers was much reduced, which created slightly stronger demand.
Steers made from 140 cents to 162 cents and heifers made between 117 cents and 137 cents per kilogram.
The VLE draw for the week commencing Monday 16 November is as follows; 1, Everett and Seeley; 2, SEJ; 3, Rodwells; 4, Elders; 5, Alex Scott; 6, Landmark; 7, Mick Hornsby; 8, Nathan Gibbon.
The next store sale is Thursday 12 November commencing at 10am.
Five, A. Zumpo, Pakenham, 407, 178, $725; 7, W. and V. Hodge, Kooweerup, 406, 177.3, $720; 6, Killeen Enterprises, Officer, 520, 170, $885; 15, G. Murray, Nar Nar Goon, 563, 161.4, $909.47.
Thirty seven, V. and M. Frewin, Keilor, 340 kilograms, 200 cents per kilogram, $680; 18, Gundabah Past., Boneo, 320, 185, $592; 16, N. Cordiano, Dalyston, 373, 183, $682.99; 14, P.G. and K. Mancarella, Mirboo North, 390, 182.1, $710.77; 9, P. Chapman, Clyde, 320, 180, $576.00; 30, Velcorp Pty Ltd, Wollert, 331, 169.2, $560; 18, H.J. and D.E. Bolding, Lance Creek, 349, 165.7, $579.15; 12, J. and A. Larkins, Krowera, 373, 152.6, $568.40.
Seven, Killeen Enterprises, Officer, 395, 160, $632; 15, K.G. Williams, Tuerong, 400, 154.2, $616.25; 10, N. and M. Bracecamp, Berry’s Creek, 418, 142.6, $595.47.
Nine, B.W. and M.T. Hartung, Shoreham, 600, 160, $960.