Oh so sustainable

BUSINESSES, community groups, schools, individuals and government agencies who are doing their bit for the environment are invited to enter the Premier’s Sustainability Awards for 2010.
Environment and Climate Change Minister Gavin Jennings this week announced the official opening of submissions.
Mr Jennings said this year’s awards focussed on organisations and people who had done the hard yards and met the sustainability challenge head-on.
He said the government was taking action to work with the community and businesses to make sure Victoria had a sustainable future.
“Our government believes it is important to recognise and acknowledge those people and organisations who have shown leadership, innovation and outstanding achievement in rising to the challenge of sustainability,” Mr Jennings said.
“This year the Premier’s Sustainability Awards have been expanded to include three new categories that recognise high-performing government and education enterprises as well as a large business award dedicated to the private sector.”
The eight award categories for 2010 are small business, large business, community, products or services, built environment, local government, State Government and tertiary education.
There is also a Premier’s Recognition Award.
Mr Jennings said businesses that became sustainable were more likely to have an economic advantage by adopting a triple bottom line that looked at financial, social and environmental costs.
“In addition, businesses can create sustainable solutions through their influence with companies in the supply chain which in turn improve their sustainability and increase opportunities with consumers, suppliers and government,” he said.
Information sessions will be held to provide applicants with assistance for the submission process. Submissions close mid-February 2010.
For entry details visit www.sustainabilityawards.vic.gov.au