Once was lost, but now he’s found

By Tania Martin
POLICE, a dog squad unit and local SES crews scoured Emerald Lake Park last week after a man was reported missing.
He was later found alive and well. The 61-year-old Gladstone Park man had been visiting the area with a group when he ‘wandered off’.
Emerald Police’s Senior Constable Mike Peardon said the man was reported missing shortly after 2pm last Thursday (19 November).
Police believe the man was visiting with a respite group.
“We called in the dog squad, air wing and had a full turn-out of SES units searching the park until dark,” Sen Const Peardon said.
The man’s group had travelled on Puffing Billy to the park for a day trip.
Sen Const Peardon said it appeared the man believed the rest of his group had got back on the train for the return trip.
“It looks like he left of his own accord and got the train home,” he said.
Park rangers launched the search shortly after the man was reported missing and the police were called in shortly after 3.30pm.
Emerald SES had 10 people searching the area and also called in crews from Lilydale.
The search continued until 10pm that night and included looking up and down the Puffing Billy train line, in the park, Wright Forest and around the centre of Emerald.
Police continued the search until dark and were preparing to resume at first light.
However, Sen Const Peardon said the man was found shortly after 10.40pm at home.
“His son came home and found him there and called the police,” he said.
“He wouldn’t have had a clue about what was going on.”