Fuzz called off

From left, Danny, Dan, Roger, Steve, Phil and Ryan from Retravision Pakenham get ready to shave their mos after participating in Movember.From left, Danny, Dan, Roger, Steve, Phil and Ryan from Retravision Pakenham get ready to shave their mos after participating in Movember.

By Kara Irving
ALL women can breath a sigh of relief – Movember is finally over.
Regardless of whether you sported a beard, moustache or goatee in the month of November to raise money for prostate cancer and depression in men, that month of razor abstinence went to a good cause.
To date Movember has received more than $60 million in donations, with the proceeds going to beyondblue, the national depression initiative, and The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.
That figure includes the generous donation of $250 by the team of seven men at the Retravision Superstore in Pakenham.
“(Entering Movember) was just a spur of the moment thing to get involved with and to have a bit of fun inside the store,” says employee Dan.
This is the first time Retravision Pakenham has participated in the annual event.
Entrants who have raised enough money to be eligible for the $8,000 prize pool will be notified this month.