Plan now for fire season

THE CFA is urging residents to be fire ready as the recent November heatwave serves as an early season reminder of what awaits all Victorians this summer.
The unprecedented November hot spell, along with forecast hot weather, has prompted CFA Westernport Area to advise residents that the Fire Danger Period (‘fire restrictions’) for Cardinia and Bass Coast will commence at 1am on Monday 14 December, and remain in force until next May (unless otherwise advised).
CFA Westernport area operations manager Trevor Owen said the early onset of hot weather was the clearest call yet for residents to be prepared this fire season.
“The November heatwave goes to show it doesn’t take much for vegetation, in particular grasslands, to dry out in these conditions,” Mr Owen said.
“It is important that decisions are made now so that on high fire risk days, residents are well-prepared, well-informed and ready to take action.
“That includes leaving early, either the evening before a forecast bad day or early in the morning.”
“If residents need more information on how to prepare and what to do in the event of a fire, the CFA website, is a great resource.
“The CFA website includes the FireReady Kit, a new resource to help residents prepare their bushfire survival plan and the Household Bushfire Self assessment tool, a new tool that takes residents through a number of steps to assess the defensibility of their home.
“Residents can also call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667 for bushfire planning advice, to order a FireReady Kit or attend one of many CFA FireReady Victoria community meetings scheduled in their local area.”

Fire restrictions

• A permit is required to burn off grass, undergrowth or weeds. This permit is issued by the Municipal Fire Prevention Officer.
• Barbecues and fires for cooking and warmth do not require a permit, but must be lit in properly constructed fireplaces, within limits of wind speed and clearance perimeter, and supervised at all times.
• All burn-offs should be registered with the VicFire Burn-off notification line on 1800 668 511.
• Lighting a fire in the open without a permit is an offence and can bring a penalty of up to $5500 or 12 months’ imprisonment.
• The Can I or Can’t I? brochure, also available from the CFA website, details the fire restrictions regime, including the differences between fire restrictions and Total Fire Ban days.
• CFAs On the Land: Agricultural Fire Management Guidelines gives fire management advice for rural properties and is useful to those new to farming. View or download from or call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667.