Girls dominate Dux

By Jade Lawton and
A SIGH of relief resounded across the state on Monday as Year 12 students received their VCE results.
At St Margaret’s School, Berwick, nine per cent of the class of 2009 achieved ENTER scores of 98 or more, placing them in the top two per cent of the state.
School captain, Manoshy Sooriyakumaran, achieved Dux of the school with 99.8.
Principal Dr Helen McDonald said the median score of the cohort was 84.05.
“It is wonderful to see the students achieve such success through their effort and hard work. The class of 2009 has also demonstrated remarkable service to their community, and we are extremely proud of each and every one of them,” she said.
The graduating class of Beaconhills in 2009 saw 248 students successfully complete their VCE certificate.
The college Dux, Garam Jung, has been a student of the Village Campus at Berwick since Year 7, completing her Korean – Units 3 and 4 in Year 10.
Garam’s outstanding achievement of an ENTER score of 98.15 ranks among the highest scores received in the college’s history.
Berwick girl Angela Norman was the Dux of St Francis Xavier College, Beaconsfield, with an ENTER of 98.15.
School Principal Paul Desmond said the school was extremely proud of Angela, who was also 2009 school captain.
“She is very deserving of Dux,” Mr Desmond said. “Overall, we are delighted with the results; they are very strong with many students in the 80s and 90s.”
At St Thomas Aquinas College in Tynong, the 16 students completing Year 12 achieved a median ENTER score of 86.22.
Dux of the college was Damien Png, with a score of 98.95.
VCE co-ordinator Kevin Ryan said the school was ‘absolutely rapt’ with six of the class of 2009 earning scores in the 90s.
“We are a small school but this is a great result,” he said.
Both Pakenham Secondary College and Kooweerup College did not return calls made to the school in time.