
CARDINIA Shire Council’s Maternal and Child Health Services are still accessible on the non-public holiday days over the Christmas and New Year period.
One centre will be open each day for use by all clients across the shire, with centre visits by appointment only.
The Maternal and Child Health Services are open on:
Tuesday 29 December
Andrews Centre, Henty Way, Pakenham
Nurse: Trina Lucas
Phone: 5941 1767
Wednesday 30 December
Emerald Centre Main Road, Emerald
Nurse: Trina Lucas
Phone: 5968 6259.
Thursday 31 December
Andrews Centre, Henty Way, Pakenham
Nurse: Fiona Fox
Phone: 5941 1767
The centre hours are 9am–2pm and visits to new babies by the home visiting nurse will continue as normal.
Maternal and Child Health Services are free for families residing in Cardinia Shire who have children aged from birth to school age – providing support to parents and offering information and advice on issues related to child health and development, parenting, maternal health and well-being, as well as providing group programs.
For further information and to book appointments contact one of the Maternal and Child Health Centres or talk to the nurse on duty at the open centre.