Nossal High opens doors

By Jade Lawton
BERWICK’S new select-entry secondary college, Nossal High School, will open its doors on 1 February next year.
Two hundred Year 9 students, who successfully completed the select-entry exam to gain a place at the school, will become the school’s foundation students.
Principal Roger Page said the first few weeks of classes would be held at Monash University as bad weather had delayed work on the first stage of building.
“The second stage of buildings, a gym, performing arts centre and lecture theatre, should also be completed in 2010,” Mr Page said.
The school will begin with 12 teaching staff.
Mr Page said people had shown a keen interest in the school, with some families willing to move so that their child could attend Nossal High.
“We have students coming from all over the place, from more than 100 different schools – half of them private and half public,” he said.
“They are travelling from all over the metropolitan area and some have sold their house and are moving to Berwick.”
A few weeks into the 2010 school year, the school’s namesake, distinguished scientist Sir Gustav Nossal, will visit the school for a special foundation assembly.
Nossal High will join MacRobertson Girls High School and Melbourne High School as the state’s third select-entry high school, with another select-entry college to open in Wyndham in 2011.