Eternal optimism

ALL three Garfield Teams were full of optimism as Pennant re-opened on Saturday, but the confidence dissipated as the afternoon wore on with only the Division Six team managing to win.
Playing at Warragul the Division Two team was well beaten by an in-form home team 69/100. Of the four sides only ones was able to record a win. Although still in second place Garfield will need a few more wins to guarantee a finals place.
Playing at home the Division Five team were disappointed to lose by just one shot 61/62. While the two sides skipped by Ken Tomlin and Bob Hope managed wins, Bill Charles’s side met strong opposition. Early on, with a four and a five against them on consecutive ends the chance of a win looked remote.
By Tea they were 3/21 adrift and looked like emulating the Indian cricket team. However, after tea good bowling and better luck ran their way, taking more shots than the opponents but still being losers 27/12. Unfortunately the improvement although bringing the result closer, was not enough to ensure an overall win. Although still in the hunt for the finals this result has put the team within a few points of falling out of the top four.
Individual Scores: A.Helmuth, J.Rose, G.Asquith and K.Tomlin (S) won 24/21.
R.James, J.Lenders, L.Shatwell and R.Hope (S) won 25/14.
S.Gemmill, R.Slaughter, K.Sainsbery and W.Charles lost 27/12
By Contrast the Division Six Team had a good home win against Yallourn North 46/36. It was good to see the return to bowling of club member Don Knight who helped enjoy the big win of Pat Marriot’s side.
Individual scores: P.Humphreys, E.Lee, M.Lamport and J.Pocklington (S) lost 13/23.
D.Knight, D.Humphreys, B.Sainsbery and P.Marriot (S) won 33/13.