Proud of the fight

By Melissa Meehan
THEY said they would fight ’til the end, and they did.
Catani residents fought long and hard against an application to build a broiler farm in their town fearing it would impinge on their way of life.
More than 50 residents opposed the plan that would see more than 2 million chickens brought to the town each year.
Residents said the land in question, on the corner of McCraws Road and Lennox Road, is not suited for use as a broiler farm and have raised many concerns including the increased traffic movements on dirt roads around the town.
They’ve had highs and lows – with the council refusing to grant a permit, but then changing its stance once plans were changed inline with the Broiler Code.
This month residents took the matter to VCAT and while they are realistic about the decision, which is set to be announced over the next month and is more than likely to favour of the broiler farm, spokesman Ron McCausland said the community was pleased with its efforts.
“We went all the way,” Mr McCausland said.
“And by our community coming together and standing up against it we’ve been able to influence changes in the application.”
And while the community realises the application will most likely be approved at VCAT, Mr McCausland said it was something the residents would keep their eyes on.
“I was really pleased with the way VCAT treated us, they gave us an opportunity to have our say and while we’re not experienced as the lawyers who do this for a living, we were listened to,” he said. “My only dissatisfaction with the way it went is that it was left to the residents of Catani to find anomalies in the original application.
“Why is it up to those who have no idea about these ‘farms’ to bring them to account.
“All I can say to other communities facing the same issues is to continue to fight, maybe they will change the laws, it’s worth the fight.”