Tool thieves caught in the act

Right: A FACE image of a man police wish to speak to in relation to a burglary in Bunyip North last month.Right: A FACE image of a man police wish to speak to in relation to a burglary in Bunyip North last month.

TWO would-be thieves were foiled by a Bunyip North woman, when she confronted the pair as they tried to rob her shed.
Police investigators said two men drove a grey/blue Holden Crewmanutility onto the Topp Road property at 2pm on Tuesday 17 January.
While the male driver waited in the ute, his accomplice got out of the vehicle and entered a shed at the rear of the property and removed tools.
Upon seeing the unknown car enter her property, the woman went outside to investigate.
The thief was alerted by the driver to abandon his tool haul and get back into the vehicle, and the pair drove off in an unknown direction.
The driver of the vehicle is described as Caucasian and aged in his 40s with a long goatee beard.
The second man is described as being in his 40s with tattoos covering both arms.
Police have released a FACE image of the second man to assist the investigation. Anyone with information on the incident is urgedto contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 orvisit www.crimestoppers.