SUPPLY lifted by nearly 30 per cent at VLE Pakenham, sparked by a lift in vealers for sale.
The yarding did have a lot of good to very good quality cattle penned, but the larger supply saw more of poor breeding, and some of plainer condition.
Around a third of the offering were grown steers and bullocks, and all of the yarding sold to good competition.
There was better competition for cattle to feed-on.
Demand was stronger for most classes of cattle with grown cattle four cents to 15 cents dearer, and a number of young cattle four cents to 10 cents per kilogram better.
The larger penning of 800 vealers all sold well.
Better quality B muscle vealers made from 215 cents to 246 cents, while most others sold between 185 cents and 225 cents per kilogram.
Yearling steers sold very well with trade purchases mostly 185 cents to 215 cents with supplementary fed to 225 cents per kilogram.
Heifers sold equally as well making mostly from 178 cents to 205 cents per kilogram.
Feedlot and restocker competition was strong and most purchases were between 185 cents and 215 cents per kilogram for most sales.
Grown steers were in good supply but the quality varied.
Competition was better and grown steers sold to 194 cents while prime bullocks made 177 cents to 194 cents per kilogram.
Manufacturing steers sold mostly from 162 cents to 173 cents per kilogram.
The VLE Draw for the week commencing Monday 13 February is as follows: 1, Alex Scott; 2, SEJ; 3, Everitt, Seeley and Bennetts; 4, Mick Hornsby; 5, Rodwells; 6, Elders; 7, Nathan Gibbon; 8, Landmark.
The next Store Sale is Thursday 16 February commencing at 10am.
Twenty six, Coolaman, Kongwak, 411 kilograms, 224.6 cents per kilogram, $923.68; 23, R.J. and J.A. Buchanan, Bena, 396, 223.7, $885.9; 18, G. Mangiafico, Dumbulk, 423, 222.8, $942.54; 7, R. Borden, Kooweerup, 360, 222, $800.00; 13, R.W. and J.H. Harrison, Korumburra, 401, 221.8, $890.81; 13, C. Alderson, Bayles, 327, 221.3, $723.42; 9, P. and J. Stephens, Yarra Glen, 333, 220.7, $735.75; 8, H.F. and A.M. Schellekens, Bass, 396, 218, $868.55; 17, Z. and M. Spehar, Yinnar, 339, 217.6, $737.83; 34, Lional Holdings, Yannakie, 354, 217.4, $769.62; 14, S. Mure, Catani, 364, 216.8, $789.73; 10, M. and O. Oriurk, Launching Place, 336, 216.2, $725.45; 14, G.G. Muller and Son, Glenburn, 361, 215.8, $779.17; 8, R.A. Macaro, Whitelaw, 375, 215.3, $808.90; 21, G. and J. Ablethorpe, Tooradin, 336, 214.2, $721.00; 18, G. and J. Matthews, Launching Place, 335, 213.4, $714.41; 11, B.F. and C.B. Shannon, Lancefield, 410, 212.8, $873.49; 47, I.H. and J.M. James, Glen Alvie, 365, 212.1, $773.32; 12, G. Buckland, Yea, 315, 211.6, $667.55; 17, B. Free, Lang Lang, 347, 211.4, $732.97; 16, Linemarg P/L, Modella, 371, 208.8, $775.96; 12, R.B. and P.S. Jones, Archies Creek, 368, 208.6, $768.32; 18, J. and A. Larkins, Krowera, 356, 208.1, $740.04; 16, A. and M. George, Grantville, 395, 208, $828.00; 13, K. and N. Taylor, Woolert, 358, 208, $744.00; 12, Narajon Past. Co., Glen Forbes, 393, 207.9, $817.60; 7, C. Adams, Tyabb, 346, 202.8, $702.72.
Thirty six, A. Vidotto, Yannathan, 628, 194, $1220.51; 14, P. and K. MacNee, Pakenham South, 584, 193.6, $1131.00; 7, M.L. Ahern, Iona, 520, 193.2, $1004.64; 20, J. Geiberras, Trafalgar South, 610, 192, $1170.93; 5, I. Ridgeway, Cardinia, 551, 189.2, $1042.30; 5, B. and L. Tully, Strathewan, 564, 188.7, $1064.5; 5, A. Humphries, Cora Lynn, 575, 188.1, $1081.68; 31, E.R. Shaw, Gisborne, 575, 186.9, $1073.99; 12, C. Munns, Dewhurst, 600, 185.8, $1114.56; 4, A. Agnoleto and Son, Bunyip, 617, 184.6, $1139.54; 6, Maluky P/L, Yellingbo, 563, 183.5, $1033.66; 10, B. Lunt, Nar Nar Goon, 489, 183.1, $895.36; 28, B. Macey, Sunbury, 490, 183, $189.16; 6, Hopkins McKinnon, Nar Nar Goon, 721, 178, $1284.57; 11, D. Kent, Lang Lang, 723, 177, $1280.00.
Nine, J. and R. Smith, Leongatha, 513, 192.5, $987.35.
Thirteen, A. and L. Cafe, Neerim South, 643, 187.6, $1207.13; 10, J. and V. Maslen, Neerim, 664, 186.1, $1235.05; 6, L. Cumming, Bunyip, 709, 182, $1290.68; 13, Phil Ronalds, Jindivic, 671, 181.9,l $1220.86; 10, N. Beischer, Main Ridge, 734, 181, $1328.50.