Diabetes dive- Tristan, 3, was diagnosed with type one diabetes when he was only 22 months old. His parents are jumping out of a plane to raise awareness next month. 76529

By Melissa Meehan
WHEN their son Tristan was diagnosed with type one diabetes, the lives of Suzie Silva and Geoff Pope came crashing down.
So to raise awareness and money to help find a cure for the disease the couple have decided to jump out of an aeroplane next month.
Their son Tristan, now three, was first diagnosed when he was just 22 months old.
“I’d never heard of type one diabetes until he was diagnosed,” Suzie said.
“He was always hungry but losing weight, always thirsty and pointing to the fridge for something more to drink.
“So I Googled his symptoms and this was the first time I heard of diabetes.”
Suzie took him to the doctors who informed her that Tristan was too young to have the disease, but after demanding he have blood tests her fears were confirmed.
He now tests his blood sugars with a finger prick every two hours and has at least two insulin injections every day.
“He hasn’t dealt with it too well, he’s OK with the finger pricks, but because he is so skinny the injections hurt,” she said.
“As he gets older I think it will be easier for him to manage, but he’s pretty good.”
Upon his diagnosis, Suzie and her husband found out that 60 other kids had been diagnosed at the same time as Tristan, but knew no one in Pakenham also dealing with the disease.
“That was tough, but then we were introduced to a family in Berwick that were going through the same thing as us and being able to give them a call and talk about what was happening – it really helped.”
Suzie and Geoff now aim to raise $5000 for the Juvinile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).
They already have $3200 but need help to get over the line.
They will both tandem skydive on 19 March from Lilydale Airport.
“I am petrified of heights, like I can’t even stand on the roof without my legs going wobbly, but it’s a good cause,” Suzie said.
To donate visit www.teamcurediabetes./org.au/suzette_silva_9.