MPs are going around in circles

AT AN Upper Beaconsfield Association meeting in August 2011 Gembrook MP Brad Battin promised a roundabout within the first term of government.
This was followed up by the secretary, asking for confirmation.
Mr Battin replied by saying: “I will again confirm this project. At the election we went with a platform to deliver on our commitments. This includes all our local commitments”.
Then in November 2011 Mr Battin called a public meeting to talk about improved pedestrian safety.
What happened to the roundabout?
On 31 January 2012 Brad Battin, together with VicRoads and fellow Liberal MP Edward O’ Donohue called another meeting to talk about improved pedestrian safety.
Again plans were presented for a pedestrian refuge for $400,000 – big bucks for a bit of concrete and a few painted lines on the road.
Rather a coincidence, as the original quote for a roundabout was $400,000!
Jenny Pritchard,
Upper Beaconsfield.