Club’s first premiership

THE Cardinia Waters Saturday Pennant side is celebrating a premiership in its first year of competition following a highly successful weekend on the greens.
Saturday’s semi final was at home against the only side to defeat the team this year, Chadstone, and was a close affair all day, with only one shot the difference shortly after the tea break.
A late surge of good scores eventually took Cardinia Waters to a 98 shots to 75 victory. Bryan Stevens’ rink was the biggest winner, with his wife Marion, Doug Richardson and John Hutchinson all playing well for a 39-10 score.
David Blake skipped the other winning rink with Alan Brodie, Chris Mulcock and Jim Barrie finishing well to win 26-22.
Lindsay Cameron with Mick Knight, Stuart Tokely and Bill Hite battled hard all day but lost 17-20, while Gunter Baumbach, Brian Byrne, Wendy Titcombe and skipper John Van Vugt went down 16-23.
The same 16 players travelled to windy Beaumaris on Sunday for the final against Mordialloc. It was similar to Saturday’s game – a comfortable tea-time lead was cut back to six shots but once again the side lifted its game and won the flag 90-70.
Bryan Stevens continued his good form and won 26 shots to nine. David Blake was a 23-18 winner and Lindsay Cameron had a similar score, 21-18.
John Van Vugt hit the front late in the game but went down 20-25. It was a real team effort and earned the side a promotion next season. It will now go on to play off against other sectional winners in divisional finals.
The Midweek Open team also defeated Mordialloc on Tuesday and has one game to go before the finals. Wendy Titcombe was the big winner, 31-5, with her team Doug and Rae Richardson and Lindsay Cameron.
Beryl McFarlane, Stuart Tokely and Brian and Marion Stevens combined well and won 26-12, while Jim and Anna Barrie with Gunter Baumbach and Pat Hutchinson struck tough opposition and went down 16-19. The overall score was 74-36.