Fighting killer lung disease

Fourteen year old Jade and her mum Rachel Kollmorgen are raising money for Hudson's Day. 77674 Fourteen year old Jade and her mum Rachel Kollmorgen are raising money for Hudson’s Day. 77674

By Danielle Galvin
TWO weeks ago, 14-year-old Jade Kollmorgen’s friend died of cystic fibrosis.
The Pakenham teen, who also has cystic fibrosis, is fighting fit and helping her mum raise money for 11-month-old Hudson Kingsley, who also suffers from the disease.
The Pakenham tot is turning one next Saturday 3 March.
“Jade’s first-ever cystic fibrosis friend died two weeks ago. It was pretty confronting, but Jade is almost tougher than mum and dad,” her mum Rachel Kollmorgen said.
Rachel, who works for Le Pine Funerals in Pakenham, is helping raise money for a day dedicated to Hudson.
The family fun day is on Hudson’s first birthday at the Pakenham Springs Primary School.
There will be a raffle as well as rides, jumping castles and children’s activities.
“Jade is 14 years old now, whereas Hudson is only one. I can’t count the number of hospital visits we’ve had. It’s probably more than 50,” Rachel said.
Jade was four months old when she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, which is a genetic disorder that particularly affects the lungs and digestive system and makes kids more vulnerable to repeated lung infections.
“We’re lucky we’ve had terrific support at the school. When she goes to hospital, she gets her work and she can do it while she’s in the teenage ward,” she said.
“The Royal Children’s is really set up, they let parents sleep in the same room which is great.”
As Jade gets older, Rachel believes she’s more interested in helping do her bit.
“She’s starting to take an interest in what she can do,” Rachel said.
“Slowly becoming more and more aware of her illness.”
Every year, Rachel and her family have participated in the 65 Roses Day to raise money for research into the disease.
After hearing about Hudson’s plight, Rachel knew her family could help raise money for the day dedicated to him.
“We found out about Hudson’s Day because one of my friends invited me to the event on Facebook,” she said.
“I realised Hudson’s mum was another local mum and I wouldn’t have found out about it otherwise.”
Le Pine Funerals in Pakenham is sponsoring Hudson’s Day and have sponsored a family meal at the Pakenham Hotel as one of the raffle prizes on the day.