Help school celebrate

Beaconhills College is looking for those involved in the school's formative years.Beaconhills College is looking for those involved in the school’s formative years.

BEACONHILLS College celebrated its 30th birthday with a special full school assembly on the day at the Pakenham Campus and on the same evening at the annual staff and board dinner.
There will be further celebratory events during 2012, including a family picnic evening on 23 March and a Founders’ Day event on 26 May, both at the Pakenham Campus.
The school now has a full list of all people involved in the founding of the college.
They include all those who attended the initial planning meetings at St Johns Anglican Church in Upper Beaconsfield in 1980 and all those who served on the steering committee during 1981 as well as the founding families and students.
However, the schooldoes not have contact details for many of these people andis seeking the community’s help in tracking down these significant people in the college’s history.
Those who were involved in the planning stages between 1980 and 1981, or the pioneer years of 1982 to 1985, or who know people who were, are asked to contact the college archivist and historian at
They are asked to provide contact details so they can receive invitations to the 30th anniversary events.