Pair’s brave cancer shave

Left: Pakenham mum Kelly Goring will be saying goodbye to her locks. 77597 Left: Pakenham mum Kelly Goring will be saying goodbye to her locks. 77597

By Danielle Galvin
A PAKENHAM mum and a nine-year-old Officer Primary School student are taking part in this year’s World’s Greatest Shave.
Kelly Goring has always wanted to shave her hair and raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation.
“I wanted to raise money for charity,” she said.
“I’ve got hair just past my shoulders.”
This year, with the help of friends and family, Kelly is hoping to raise $2000.
“When you sign up you pick your amount. So far I’ve got about $350,” she said.
“I’m a little bit nervous to shave it off. I’ve never done anything like this!”
The mother of three will take part in the big shave on 17 March.
Emily Jackson will say goodbye to her long locks at her primary school on 16 March when hairdressers from Pakenham’s Chumba Salon are called in to do the deed.
The Pakenham girl’s dad, Darren, said Emily knew a number of students who had died from cancer.
“She’s wanted to do it for a couple of years,” he said.
“We’ve held her back because of her age, but this year we’d thought we’d let her.”
Emily’s hair runs halfway down her back so the shave will be a big change.
“She wants to help the kids who have got blood cancers,” Mr Jackson said.
“Her hair is down to her bottom so she’s excited but a little nervous.”
Cancer has claimed the lives of two students at Officer Primary School and Emily wanted to do her bit.
“We’ve also had friends and family die of cancer,” Mr Jackson said.
“I’m extremely proud of her, I mean she’s only nine years old.”
“It’s extremely pleasing that the school are letting her do it, I’m just really proud,” Mr Jackson said.