Hive of bridge activity

BERWICK Bridge Club members played 12 tables Mitchell on Wednesday, and the winners for North South were: first, Patricia Beazley and Faye Rowlands; second, Diane Cartledge and Elly Carey; and third, Carol Westrip and David Yoffa.
The results for East West were: first, Heather Saunders and Terry Sheafe; second, Ian Heggart and Eric Hudson; and third, Bob Parker and Judy Wellings.
On Thursday 23 February, members played 6 tables Howell and the results were: first, George Ashby and Peter Ditchfield; second, Gwyn Hughes and Rita Waugh; third, Annette Kirby and Rob Osborne.
On Friday 24 February, 10 tables Mitchell were played and the results for North South were: first, Gwyn Hughes and Patrick Morgan; second, Patricia Beazley and John Leo; third, Shirley Collins and David Yoffa.
For East West, the results were: first, Heather Saunders and Bert Romeijn; second, Jim Dow and Ellwyn Miskin; third, Bob Parker and Judy Wellings.
On Monday, the results for group ‘A’ were: first, Bert Romejin and Heather Saunders; second, Lindsey Robinson and Mervyn Peel; and third, Peter Ditchfield and Chris Fernando.
For ‘B’ group, the results were: first, Lalli Prochelle and Mario Prochelle; second, Dorothy Scanlan and Gwyn Hughes; and third, Corry Van Diemen and Pat Schelling.