Lake set for fresh look

LAKESIDE lake will shine after a range of clean up works is undertaken over the next few months.
Cardinia council will start weed and vegetation control works within the lake in six to eight weeks.
A second stage of works focusing on the removal and thinning of reeds will take place later in the year.
Citywide has employed two extra staff to maintain garden beds around the lake.
Dead plants and weeds will be removed along Winjeel’s Trail/Darwin Way this month and mulch will be laid in the coming weeks.
Garden bed rehabilitation works around the lake by the council and Citywide will be carried out from May until September.
Cleaning and re-staining of park furniture by the council will continue in the coming months.
Water quality testing will also continue on a regular basis and further litter control will be undertaken in and around the lake.
The lake’s recent drop in water levels has prompted a number of inquiries from residents about the area and what works were taking place.
In December last year the council found an opened draining valve which caused water levels to rapidly decrease.
Contact the council on 1300 787 624 or email