Little tin, big results

By Lilly O’Gorman
IT’S just a small tin placed in the general store in the small town of Harkaway, but its contribution over the past 10 years has meant a big deal to the Red Cross.
Over the last decade a collection tin placed at the Harkaway General Store has raised more than $3000 for the Berwick Hills Red Cross Unit.
Foundation member of Berwick Hills Red Cross Heather DeCrespigny, area co-ordinator of Red Cross Calling Heather Perrott and president of the Berwick-Upper Beaconsfield Red Cross Unit Marion Limpus thanked store owner Luke Boschert for his continued support.
Ms Perrott said the money went back to helping Victorians who needed it most.
“This man has got to be recognised because has been doing it for so long,” Ms Perrott said.
“We sort of approached Luke through Red Cross Calling and he said ‘I may as well leave tin all year’, so it was lovely.
“The money will go back to Red Cross Headquarters and be distributed through local units like ours to help Victorians in emergencies such as floods and fires.”
The Berwick Hills Unit has now amalgamated with the Berwick-Upper Beaconsfield Unit and Mr Boschert has pledged to continue supporting Red Cross through this unit.
“$3000 over 10 years – it’s not a bad effort for just having a tin on a bench,” Mr Boschert said.
“We’ve had great support from the community. I just think that in this day and age, with the floods and fires and everything going on in Australia … to have someone like Red Cross to come in and provide support for local people, it’s only fair that we provide support to them too.”