It’s not trivial

PAKENHAM’S Nicole Williams wasn’t sure what she was in for when she signed up to the Windermere Adventure Challenge.
But since she decided to take part, her family members required Windermere’s services.
She said this gave a whole new meaning to the challenge for her and her partner Ryan Impey, who is also participating.
“Through that, we have really seen the good work Windermere does and how it can really change lives,” Nicole said.
“It has also made the challenge that much more personal because now I really know where the money goes and how it helps.
“We really just want to raise as much money as possible for Windermere so they can continue the good work they do in our community.”
The couple are hosting a music, film and television themed trivia night on Saturday 31 March at the Pakenham Dance Studio on Princes Highway to help them reach their fundraising goal.
“The trivia will be split up with games, including a karaoke competition,” Nicole said.
“If you come, I promise I will not be taking part in the karaoke competition because you did not pay to hear a cat wail!”
Nicole and Ryan are also collecting unused mobile phones for a FoneBank Fund-raiser. FoneBank distributes the phones to third world and developing countries where there are no landlines and they rely on mobile phones.
“We think it is a really worthwhile fund-raiser because it not only helps yourself by getting rid of those pesky unused phones but also the local community through Windermere and people in developing countries who rely on these kind of donations.”
Trivia night tickets are $20 each and can be purchased individually or in tables of 8 to 10.
To purchase tickets or donate phones contact Nicole on 0401 957 915.