Brave as they come

By Lilly O’Gorman
THE Year 12 Beaconsfield student who last month leapt in front of a train to save a young girl’s life, was recognised with a bravery award on Tuesday.
St Francis Xavier College Principal Paul Desmond addressed the college during school assembly, commending 17-year-old Daniel Grulke on the bravery he showed on Tuesday 27 March.
“Daniel, your actions last term in trying to protect another life were commendable,” Mr Desmond said.
“You have displayed great courage, resilience and commitment. On behalf of your college, may I state publicly that your bravery makes us proud.”
Daniel’s parents Michelle and Chris attended the assembly to see their son receive the award.
Daniel became a hero last month after jumping off the Beaconsfield Station platform and in front of an oncoming train to push a girl, aged about 15, off the tracks.
Mr Desmond said that, although he would never encourage any students to risk their life, defending the rights and safety of others was never a bad thing.
“Daniel, another human being is alive today because of your courage,” he said.
“This girl has the chance to go forward and lead a productive life, to contribute to the betterment of the world because of what you believe and because of what you did. Congratulations, Daniel.”
A Pakenham Police officer will also nominate Daniel for the Royal Humane Society Award.
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