Sam’s synonymous with success

Coach for Ellinbank Sam Hodge kissing the premiership cup alongside team-mate Gemma Goss. Hodge was awarded best on court for the grand final last Saturday. 87316Coach for Ellinbank Sam Hodge kissing the premiership cup alongside team-mate Gemma Goss. Hodge was awarded best on court for the grand final last Saturday. 87316

By Bridget Scott
ELLINBANK defender Sam Hodge has seen a lot of success over the years, and a premiership on Saturday provided a welcomed addition to the list.
The coach of Ellinbanks A Grade team long ago proved herself as a key utility player, dominating in defence throughout the year.
Saturday provided no exception, when the star defender earned herself a best on court award in Ellinbanks grand final against Poowong.
Modest in her approach to netball, Sam said she was pleased with the award but her focus was on her side as a whole.
“It’s all about the team, but I was really happy,” she said.
After going down to Poowong by one goal in the second semi-final, Sam said her side didn’t expect to come away with a victory that large.
“It was not expected,” she said.
“Definitely not that big of a win.”
The game was always set to be a tough contest, but the coach said the girls knew they were in for a hard game.
“We knew what we had to do,” she said.
After starting the game strong, the defender said spirits were high and her team was determined to secure a win.
“We had a great start, so that got our confidence up,” she said.
Both teams had a big crowd turn out to cheer the girls along, which the coach said helped the teams.
“Poowong had a big crowd as well, so they kind of cancelled each other out, but they were good,” she said.
After three of the Ellinbank teams had claimed the flag for the day, the pressure mounted on A Grade, but the coach said this didn’t affect her girls.
“People were joking around saying don’t let us down, but we knew what we had to do,” Sam said.
In a hugely successful day for the Ellinbank club, four teams went into grand final day and four teams came out winners.