A bolt of lightnin’ they call Tysyn

Tysyn Dacey from Lynbrook Lightning is this week's Little Legend. 98961 Pictures: JARROD POTTER


IS THIS the best day you can ever have?
You turn 10 years old, a solid birthday and first foray into double digits. Then you’re named captain of the day for your Lynbrook Lightning Under-10’s football team.
With the match in the balance, you kick a goal in the final quarter, against the howling wind, to ensure your side a narrow victory.
If your name is Tysyn Dacey, then chances are you would’ve loved Sunday as well.
The green-and-black-helmeted Lightning midfielder struck more than once – with his impeccable attack on the football helping his charges to a crucial win.
A strong tackler and gut-runner par excellence, Tysyn is a well deserving winner of this week’s Little Legend.

What was your favourite moment of the match?
Kicking a goal.
What do you love most about footy?
Favourite position to play?
Midfield cause you can run all over the ground.
What AFL team do you barrack for?
Who is your favourite player?
(Ben) McGlynn. Because he runs and tackles everyone.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A football player.