Farming land change rejected


A REALIGNMENT of valuable farming land has been knocked back by Cardinia Shire Council.
A planning permit to re-subdivide three lots on Pitt Road, Iona, was debated at length by councillors at last week’s council meeting.
Against the recommendation by planning officers, councillor David Young moved a motion to approve the realignment but it was voted out by his fellow councillors by one vote.
Cr Young said it was “just a realignment”.
“The realignment won’t stop the land being used for farming,” he said.
“There is no increase in title.
“The applicant is a long-term landholder.”
But Cr Kate Lempriere, Cr Jodie Owen and Cr Tania Baxter said they could not understand the motivation of the applicant for changing the boundaries.
“I am unsure why they are looking at realigning for the sake of realigning,” Cr Baxter said.
“I don’t think we have received enough information.”
Cr Colin Ross said the other councillors should trust the judgement of Cr Young.
“Councillor Young has a lifetime of farming experience,” he said.
“It sounds reasonable to say it can still be worked as a farming area.”
The motion to refuse the permit was passed by one vote and Cr Owen encouraged the application to come back with more information.
The planning application was also heard at the 17 December 2012 council meeting and was deferred for further consideration.
Despite meeting with council officers, the application retained the proposal unchanged.