Horse centre, a nightmare

THE neighbour of a proposed horse training and breeding centre in Garfield believes it would impact the lives of anyone living in the area.A neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said a business like this would negatively change the area.“This would change our lives completely,” the neighbour said.“This is going to be too much.”
The planning application included a horse arena complex, including 26 stables, to train and breed horses for dressage competition. The motion was deferred at a recent council meeting for further negotiations with the owners.At the meeting councillors agreed there were concerns with the development but council officers should work with the applicant to devise a more appropriate plan.
The neighbour is concerned the area would be changed by noise pollution, the size of the development and additional traffic in the quite area.Roads in the area, Gillespie Road, Mount Albert Road and Finlay Lane are narrow gravel roads which often flood after heavy rain and would not be able to cope with extra traffic, the neighbour said.Councillor Graeme Moore said he would review any application before making a decision but he had concerns about the roads in the area.“Personally I think it is out of character and the roads don’t suit that kind of development in the area. If it was on a bitumen road near the highway, I couldn’t see a problem,” he said.“The officers of the shire have done a good job and have offered different alternatives but the applicant hasn’t taken those alternatives up.”
Cr Moore said the application supported local employment, but would be very obtrusive for neighbours and the roads could not support additional traffic.