Home school call

My wife and I are just beginning to teach our kids at home rather than in a school environment.
We are having troubles with teaching resources and costs but we do want to be successful at the program.
I was thinking if we could get like minded mums and dads in the Pakenham area to share info and have sports and play days for our home schooled kids.
This could help us all in ensuring that our kids get the best education we can give them.
There are many reasons why parents may seek to educate their kids at home, bullying, strangers outside the school, difficulties with the system and schools.
Don’t get me wrong, our schools are very good and are recognised around the world.
Some of us parents just want to be more involved and teach a little more in some areas, and a little less in others.
Most of all, we wish to teach them at a sharper focus in their natural and desired fields of studies rather than be bored sitting through some subjects that they will never benefit from in their entire lives.
Living in Australia should be about choices and freedoms.
This is a freedom many families are taking up and we want in on the home schooling front.
So could you please help us in getting a small group of home schoolers together to bring all our resources together and keep our kids on track for a brighter future!
Matty Ridgeway,