The articles on homosexual “marriage” in the Gazette on the 3rd of June show a misunderstanding of the purpose of marriage.
In our society, everyone is free to live with whomsoever they wish and to have sexual relationships with whomsoever they wish, apart from the restrictions mentioned below.
So, at first glance, there is no place for any government to involve itself in any of these relationships.
Indeed, it seems an offensive overstep that government could poke its nose into peoples’ bedrooms.
However, on behalf of the community, the government has a duty to protect children, above and beyond its duty to protect all its citizens.
This is done, firstly, by prohibiting any sexual relationships involving children.
Secondly, by prohibiting incest, as this can lead to inappropriate family relationships and to children with abnormalities.
And thirdly, by promoting the institution of marriage, because it has been known for centuries if not millennia, and has been shown by overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence, that children do best in life, including their later adult life, when brought up by their natural mother and father in a committed relationship.
The purpose of marriage is and has always been to produce and nurture children. It is not for the benefit of the participants.
Homosexuals push the slogan “marriage equality”, but like many slogans, its purpose is to bypass right reason, appeal to the emotions and to hide the truth.
The slogan is an appeal to the emotions of fairness and compassion, not to the rational mind.
Only when homosexual activity is capable of producing another human being can they justly talk about marriage equality.
A society is in serious trouble when it lets the heart rule the head – when it makes decisions based on emotions rather than on right reason.
Society has no interest in homosexual relationships because they have no relevance to the community.
Therefore, there should be no government recognition or support of such relationships, because that would undermine the purpose of marriage.
Governments can define cats as quadrupeds which bark, but it won’t change the nature of cats. Likewise they can define marriage in any way they like, but it won’t change the nature of marriage, which is the union of a man and a woman til death do them part, for the benefit of the next generation. Homosexual “marriage“ is a pretence and an illusion.
John Rodda,