Revved up for cancer fight

The Ford Fairlane Classic Car team, back from left, Jessica Brooks, Stephanie Girardo, Amy Brooks, Naomi MacGregor, Deon Brooks, Lisa Hearn, Anna Cornell, Isaiah, Noeleen Agius, Nic Atkinson, Tony Smeaton, Sue Smeaton. Front row from left Murad, Brooke Taylor, Felicity, Stefanie Retzack, Joanne Girardo, Karen Dahlberg, Keely Dahlberg, Taleah. Team members not in the picture: Brandon Agius, Liam Agius, Corinne Agius, Vicki Agius, Victora Agius, Kayla Atkinson, Michael Atkinson, Kristin Atwell, Sam Beesley, Sinead Borninkhof, Kara Dahlberg, Laurie Girardo, Kayah Hearn, Zac Mousaco, Jess Purches.

They love their cars and have the drive to make a difference. Members of the 1959-61 Ford Fairlane and Classic […]

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