Fit for the fight

The 1914 Pakenham premiership side - players and officials - after beating Dandenong for the title. Back row from left: Bill Stephenson (in bowler hat), Len Cook, Andy Webster, William Webster, Bill Stone, Tim Halloran, William Slessar, Fred Stone, T. Jackson, Bert Stone, Artie Paternoster, unknown, Albert Nye and Patrick Halloran. Middle row: Esca Gabbett, Frank Hornby, J. Cowell, Ben Taylor (captain), N. Webster, Harry Cook and H. Taylor. Front row: Billy Lewis, umpire, Bill Abrehart. Photo courtest of Graham Treloar and Berwick-Pakenham Historial Society.

Premierships are special moments. Photos of premier players and officials adorn clubrooms - in all sports - across the country. […]

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