Time to give those nasties the needle
SAY no to nasties and get immunised.
Cardinia Shire Council’s Environmental Health team are encouraging families to get immunised.
Free adult and infant immunisation services...
Insulation makes
By Jade LawtonThe couple had insulation put in their roof earlier this year. After hearing media reports of fires, they contacted the Federal Government...
No bumpy road in pipe
By Melissa MeehanRESIDENTS tired of bumpy, busy roads along the desalination pipeline can breathe a sigh of relief – with construction crews saying they...
Police shocked at deaths
A 56-YEAR-OLD Drouin man became the 139th fatality on Victorian roads this year when the vehicle he was driving collided with a tree on...
‘Thick skull’ driver will
By Jade LawtonCARDINIA’S top traffic cop has slammed the behaviour of 14 ‘thick skulled’ drivers who lost their licences for excessive speed on the...
On track for talks
By Melissa MeehanBUNYIP’S divided community can come together to have their say on the new modified plans for the towns new BMX Park.
Still fire fight fit
One of the photos shows a younger John holding a photograph of himself with his daughter Jennifer taken during the 1985 State Championship in...
Ian Forte’s old school days
I TURN left five and a half kilometres off the Garfield North Road onto a long snaking downhill driveway that eventually leads me to...
Garfield power push
GIPPSLAND’S electricity distributor, SP AusNet, will invest $1.2 million between May and July to upgrade infrastructure servicing the Garfield, Warragul and Drouin areas.
SP AusNet...
Weed-wise whistle sounded
HARMFUL and environmental weeds on private land continue to pose a big threat across Cardinia Shire.
Cardinia Shire Council is reminding residents that weeds...
No apologies for tickets
By Melissa Meehan
CARDINIA’S top cop will make no apologies in his attempt to reduce road trauma in Pakenham and surrounds.
Inspector Wayne Viney says...